The professional proofreaders review the document, searching for errors in spelling, word choice, grammar, punctuation, and English usage. We correct all errors; insert better word choices, thereby augmenting the clarity of the document.
Our team also examine the papers on which they work to make sure that the content is logically organized and presented. The proofreader may need to delete or move sentences and phrases or add transition sentences so that the thesis of the paper is clearly presented and backed up by what is presented in the document.
We specialise in professional business proofreading services for all types of businesses across a variety of different sectors and industries, from small businesses, governmental departments, Universities, banking and financial institutions.
We, Fast and Professional editorial team, provide a specialist academic proofreading and editing service for students, senior academics, research students and professors. Our proofreading services cover all academic disciplines by matching your document to an editor with the relevant background in your field.
Dr. Raman (Director)
(M.A & M.Phil In English, Ph.D in Hindi, Ph.D in English, D.Litt in English literature, D.Litt on Devatma; 50 Research paper published. The Author of Seven books, Poet, Composer, International speaker, Motivator, Essayist, Critic, painter, Translator. Awardee (National and international number of awards 35)..
Apart from her academic and research activities, Dr. Raman is highly dedicated to Human values and altruistic activities. She has delivered many motivational speeches. She is the Hon’ble Director of Devatma organisation U.K.