- The importance of the course
- Insights into the nature of body-soul
- Science of spirituality and sublime life
- True and permanent happiness and ecstasy
- How to live permanent life after this life
- Question & answer session
NOTE: This 10 hour workshop, taught over 3-4 days, teaches a scientific way of energizing Dev-Prabhavas (sublime influences)
Practical wisdom for improving the quality of life and interpersonal relationships
(We all want happiness and permanent life but how do we get there)
Dev Sadhna therapy
It is very powerful rhythmic sublime technique that infused the Constructive soul with Sublime light and power where we live in harmony, unity, and evolution.
The Highest meaning of life therapy
The powerful rhythmic scientific technique trains how to develop higher consciousness and remove or lower the low-loves and Low-hates which is the source of negative stress and disharmony in inter-personal relationships.
Devatma therapy
The Most powerful and highly developed technique trains how we can avoid the permanent death of soul and its constructive power where life after death we can survive with subtle body and soul form.
It develops a vision and love for the highly evolved life (sublime-species)—a complete love of truth, goodness and Its intrinsic beauty. Here human finds complete freedom, peace and depth of Meaningful life and beauty.