Category: Publications


Salvation from Human Bondage

It should be clear to the reader from what has gone before that Salvation must carry together different connotation for the philosophy of Devatma. Salvation, for him, is freedom from low-loves and low-hates and the untruthful and evil thoughts, actions and disposition produced by it. Low-loves and low-hates are dispositions to seek exclusively the pleasures […]


Higher hates in Human Evolution

Higher hates constitute the other sphere of human evolution. they are feelings of repulsion for specific untruth and evils in thought and conduct. We can best approach the study of higher hates by what we said under moksha. We saw that moksha from any low-love involves development of higher hatred for the untruth and evil […]


Higher loves in Human Evolution

Human evolution means the health, strength and growth of the human personality, and this is not possible without another. It is not possible in isolation or disjunction from the natural and the social worlds. It is possible in certain forms of relationship with others. All such forms of relationship with others which build up the […]


The Human Evolution

Human evolution concerns the health, strength and growth of human soul. What constitutes the content of inner and outer conditions of evolution is determinable through the study of human soul, just as what constitutes the health, strength and growth of a body is determinable through study of body. All those personal feelings, thoughts and actions […]


The limits of Human Evolution

Human Altruistic personality, even at its best, is infected with certain limitations which mitigate against its full growth and satisfaction. I may have the altruistic feeling to appreciate the achievements of others. But my self-love is jealous of full and free satisfaction of this altruistic feeling. I may have the altruistic feeling of justice. But […]


New frontier for Salvation and evolution in Human being

Human psychology delimits the frontiers of human moksha and vikas. It develops low-loves and low-hates in the satisfaction of its biological, social and spiritual needs. It cultivates the low-loves of palate, sex, intoxicants, laziness (in relation to body); vanity, praise, selfishness, self-willedness (in relation to self); attachment to children, property, association (in social context); blind […]


The Best Devotee

When is a devotee at his best? A devotee is at his best when he develops from the level of gratitude to the level of love in relation to all existences. The moral and spiritual life of a devotee is at its lowest when he is inspired by gratitude. There are things whose value is […]